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October Child of the Month – A.M.

A has been a part of the Msiza family for many, many years and he is slowly starting to take some of the leadership in the home. A is a “hands-on, hard-working” type of young man who enjoys working with his Dad doing work around the house (outside) and Bethesda; but,...

Security and Safety at Bethesda Outreach

Psalm 82:3-4 says that we are to “vindicate (defend) the weak and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.”  It often seems in this country that there is a general lack of respect for...

Funding for the Fatherless – Costly Choices

Christian giving to orphan care has grown roughly 3X faster than all charitable giving by Americans — 4 years in a row! (Christian Alliance for Orphans website) Their giving seems to indicate that Bible-believing Christians do have a heart for orphaned and vulnerable...

September Child of the Month – J.M.

J is 16 years old and very quickly growing up! J Is a caring person who does well at helping and caring for the  youngest children in his home. He helps around the house doing various chores and is normally quite happy about life. He is not necessarily an outgoing...

August Child of the Month – M.M.

M is 15 years old and loves to play soccer. He is an outgoing person and enjoys being outside with other kids. He is also a caring person who patiently helps his younger sister with homework. He really  enjoys gardening with his dad and likes to cook—especially...

Baby Steps in Temporary Safe Care

On June 14, Bethesda sent out an email update that read, “Open now to see our newest arrival.” In that update, many read about Bethesda’s first Temporary Safe Care home being officially opened. My wife Kate, our girls and I were very excited to welcome Baby M! In...

July Child of the Month – R.M.

R is the oldest sibling in her home and has turned into such a sweet young lady. She loves to sing in the choir at her church and has a beautiful voice. She enjoys baking and cooking—especially making pizza, and has begun helping with the grocery shopping. She’s keen...

Now Go Find Your People! (CAFO 2019)

"Now go find your people!" That was a phrase we heard often this year at the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) Conference held in May, in Louisville, Kentucky. You should know that it is not easy to find "your people" in the midst of 2000 other people! Thankfully,...

June Child of the Month – M.B.

My name is M and I’m thankful that you are praying for me. I enjoy doing puzzles or listening to music. I also like to watch movies when I get the chance. I don’t really love school but I like to study and learn. The subjects I do in school are Tourism, Geography,...

Our Mission

Mobilising the local church and its members for the glory of God by: (1) Providing a gospel focused, family centred and church driven orphaned and vulnerable child care ministry and resource centre (2) Reaching out to the church to raise awareness, stimulate compassion and encourage obedience in the care of the fatherless

How can I help?

Do you have resources to share? Would you like to make a difference in the life of a child? Here are the ways YOU can be personally involved in providing care to orphaned children.

Click here to learn more.

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