Faith & Fields for the Future!
Bleachers / Stands $31,250 / R500,000
Two years ago, our Christmas project was to raise funds for a multi-purpose field and that has been an absolute success in providing a place for our kids to play and for our school to host games and tournaments with other schools. We would now like to expand that a bit to include a place for parents and people to sit and watch those games in the shade instead of standing in the blazing sun holding an umbrella. You can see from the picture that these are bleacher/stands made from a container so they are a fairly self-contained unit. It is one more way to continually display God’s faithfulness for the many visitors that come to Bethesda.
Tractor $37,500 / R600,000 and Slasher/Mower $6,250 / R100,000
Our existing tractor and the slasher/mower we drag behind it are both over 16 years old. While the tractor still functions, it is to a point where we can still sell it and put the money toward a better and more suitable replacement. The slasher is completely used up, so cutting the bush grass has become very difficult. A replacement for the slasher is really our only option. We are committed to keeping our grounds and equipment in excellent condition as being a good steward of God’s gifts glorifies Him and is a good testimony to our staff and the surrounding community.
Need more information? Email us and we are happy to answer any questions
$75,000 / R1.2M
Will you consider being a part of this year’s Christmas project?
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