Construction of 5 additional classrooms will start soon!
We have good news to share with our JCA family.  We have reached our 2020 Christmas Project goal and raised over $200 000 (approximately R3 million)! We have received donations from South Africa as well as from the United States and will soon start building five intermediate and senior phase classrooms for future use. We are deeply thankful to each church, business and individual across the world who donated towards our project. Technical Assistance Mission in the US raised half of theses funds. We are blown away and praising God!

Play-Based Learning
The Grade 2’s  learned about 2D and 3D shapes and the difference between them in Mathematics class. The learners then built 2D shapes with toothpicks and clay and had to then extend the 2D shapes to make them into 3D shapes.    The learners  were very creative and thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on lesson.

Soap Box Car Racing — 30 April 2021!!!




Mark 10 v 14 – 16    And Jesus rebuked them saying, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them and blessed them.

School Calendar for JCA Learners (2021)

Please take note that our calendar is different from the Department of Education’s calendar for Government schools. We hope that this is the final one but please keep in mind that there is a possibility of change should we need to close the school to go into another lockdown.


March Civvies Days
12 Mar:     R5,00
15 Mar:     Free civvies (Mrs Viljoen’s birthday)
26 Mar:     R5,00

Arriving on Time
Parents are reminded that the
arrival time for learners is 07:00 to 07:35. If the learner is not inside the register class by 07:45 they will be considered late.

Now that the weather is getting a little   cooler please remember that our supplier, Overkruin Outfitters, has tracksuits, dri-macs, jerseys and pull overs in stock.

At the school we stock the navy long sleeve  t-shirts (R90 for children sizes and R115 for adult sizes) which can be worn under the golf-shirt during the colder months.

Covid-19 reminders
*NB:  Wash masks daily!
*Please complete the screening form in the morning before your child leaves for school.
*Notify the Principal when you child has been IN DIRECT CONTACT with someone infected with Covid19, or if you child has tested positive. The School has to report such cases to the Education Dept. and a 10 day quarantine is required.