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Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you to all the Parents who made appointments with their children’s teachers and took the time to meet with them.  The teachers were pleased to have the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with you and appreciated your positive input. More than 90% of the Parents attended and we encourage those who did not to please make the effort next time.  It does give your child an advantage if you have the opportunity to ‘present their case’ to the staff, as every child’s circumstances are different.

ACSI training at the School
At the end of term 1 our Teachers all attended Professional Development which focused on Biblical discipline and classroom management, presented by the Association of Christian Schools International.

This was a very insightful course and the Teachers all learned a lot!

Sport, physical education and extra curricular activities—  according to the latest Government Gazette that was published on 23 April 2021, all contact and non-contact sports may resume. JCA will not offer any extra-curricular sports at this point in time, however we will allow learners to play with a ball during break times. Learners may not bring their own sports equipment to school, and will only be allowed to use the school’s balls while following strict Covid19 protocols.

Masks —According to the DBE Standard Operating Procedures surgical masks are also allowed. These must be clean, and if you prefer to let your child wear one, we request that you pack an extra one since they break easily.

Grade 3 Mathematics— using the seven geometric shapes of the Tangram to create objects of space and shape.





Grade 6 Social Sciences class –  creating copies of the Mapungubwe artefacts

Term 2 Paid Civvies Days
R5 per week  (payable by the Thursday before)
7 May,  21 May,  4 June

Special civvies (free)
  6 May        Grade 1A:  Mrs Matjeni’s birthday
27 May       Grade 1 – 3 learners:  Miss Smit’s birthday
7 June        Grade 6:  Mr Phiri’s birthday

Crazy Socks Friday  (14 May)   
On Friday 14 May learners and teachers may come to school wearing any choice of socks with their school uniform. The more colourful and crazy, the better!

Winter is here!
Dress warmly during cold mornings, eat healthy, take vitamins and take care of yourselves! Please consult the Parent Handbook for the winter uniform dress code.