Latest Updates from Bethesda

All The Latest News and Events at Bethesda.

Lawrence’s Story

Lawrence Aphane, now twenty-two years old, was placed at Bethesda in the same month that he turned twelve. He had waited for five years for a permanent placement and as he reflected on his arrival at Bethesda, he recalls many thoughts and emotions including: fun,...

August Child of the Month

We love watching B. grow up! She has changed tremendously during the years she has been at Bethesda. She loves attending her church and it is important to her so she participates in everything that she can. She is a great helper in the kitchen and she really enjoys...

July Child of the Month

This young boy arrived at Bethesda this past March and overall, he has adjusted well. Moving homes and changing parents, siblings, bedtimes, routines, and food (among other things) is always a big adjustment and takes time. He now has the opportunity to get to know...

Thanking God for Papa Don and Mama Fran

Don and Fran Stoffel have made a huge contribution to caring for the fatherless by doing what they enjoy doing over and over again. Don and Fran, from Marilla, NY, are both retired and have invested much of their retirement years’ time and energy in serving the Lord...

June Child of the Month

  M has been at Bethesda for many years now and is the oldest girl in her home. Because she is the oldest girl, she is taking more responsibility in the kitchen and is very aware that she is an example that the younger children are following. M really enjoys...

What is Your Orphan Care Something?

Bethesda Outreach is focused on helping followers of Christ respond biblically to the plight of millions of orphaned and vulnerable children. A Christ-like view of these children will stimulate hearts of compassion that leads to obedience in caring for the...


What’s an orphan? Our Bethesda children, who are they?  Frankly there are many kinds and types of orphans.  In fact we now use the term orphaned and vulnerable children as a way to include all types of children who “face the world without the provision, protection and...

May Child of the Month

May 2017 L.M. L is in her first year of school and thoroughly enjoys Grade R (Kindergarten) this year with her teacher, Miss Johannah (one of our Bethesda graduates). She has had to adjust to new houseparents in the last few months but has done very well. She is quite...

Our Mission

Mobilising the local church and its members for the glory of God by: (1) Providing a gospel focused, family centred and church driven orphaned and vulnerable child care ministry and resource centre (2) Reaching out to the church to raise awareness, stimulate compassion and encourage obedience in the care of the fatherless

How can I help?

Do you have resources to share? Would you like to make a difference in the life of a child? Here are the ways YOU can be personally involved in providing care to orphaned children.

Click here to learn more.

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