Bethesda Outreach is focused on helping followers of Christ respond biblically to the plight of millions of orphaned and vulnerable children. A Christ-like view of these children will stimulate hearts of compassion that leads to obedience in caring for the fatherless. Watch the video below and ask yourself, “What is your something?”
The question being asked by millions of orphaned and vulnerable children all over the world is, “Will you love me?” Time and again we have learned that institutional care does not and cannot address all the needs of children. Those needs, however, can be met in a loving home with parents who are committed to loving, nurturing, and caring for that child not just to eighteen years old, but for the rest of their lives. Children need a permanent home with parents who are committed to raising them in a way that pleases our Heavenly Father, who, through the blood of His Son has adopted us into His forever family.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution to the staggering needs of orphaned and vulnerable children; but, EVERYONE CAN DO SOMETHING! Consider some of the many ways you could be involved that you may not have thought of until now. The options include adoption, guardianship, kinship adoption, residential care, and foster care. Wraparound support for foster and adoptive families is also needed and includes prayer, house cleaning, groceries, donating supplies, lawn care, bringing meals, attending court with them, car maintenance, babysitting, transportation, money, and respite care.
What is your something? Please take a few minutes to watch this important video message. We would love to hear your thoughts about the video as well as stories from your church regarding the ways God has stirred His people to care for the fatherless in all kinds of ways.
“We are not all called to do the same thing, but we’re all certainly capable of doing something.” – Jason Johnson