Latest Updates from Bethesda

All The Latest News and Events at Bethesda.

Giving Thanks for our HouseParents

Fritz and Masello Shikwambane have served the Lord at Bethesda as houseparents since its earliest days. We are so grateful for their work, their stability, and faithfulness in having raised countless children and faithfully teaching them the Word of God. After 14+...

Bethesda’s Christmas Project 2017

Watch the Christmas Project video     A crucial start-up capital kingdom investment opportunity. We are happy to announce Bethesda’s 2017 Christmas offering project!   Your generosity in recent years has been both overwhelming and timely.  We thank God for...

November Child of the Month T. M.

This young man has only been at Bethesda for a few years and came to join his brothers who were already here. After some time, he adjusted to his new family well and is continuing the challenge of learning English. He likes playing sport and doing art (especially...

October Child of the Month P. N.

Hi! My name is … well, I guess I can’t tell you that, but I would like to tell you a little bit about myself so that you know me a little better and can pray for me. I have lived with my Bethesda family since I was very little, I think about 3 years of age. Now, I am...

JCA October Newsletter (written by JCA students)

Dear Parents and Caregivers, It’s hard to believe we are looking ahead to November already. The last full month of school. We pray that your students will keep learning, prepare well for exams and end of year assessments, and finish strong! Thank you for allowing us...

Interns 2017

God always brings Bethesda the right people at just the right time. I’m speaking of the interns that God brought to us during this year. Alyssa Whyard, Anna Cleghorn and Megan Doyle have all been a great help to us in providing help in childcare, photography, crèche...

Our Mission

Mobilising the local church and its members for the glory of God by: (1) Providing a gospel focused, family centred and church driven orphaned and vulnerable child care ministry and resource centre (2) Reaching out to the church to raise awareness, stimulate compassion and encourage obedience in the care of the fatherless

How can I help?

Do you have resources to share? Would you like to make a difference in the life of a child? Here are the ways YOU can be personally involved in providing care to orphaned children.

Click here to learn more.

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