February Child of the Month L.A.

L is turning 11 this year and looking forward to the start of school. He enjoys reading books, going to church and school, and really likes to sing and dance.  He is also a very friendly child who normally has a pretty big smile on his face.  His mom describes him as...

January 2020 Child of the Month – B. A.

B will be turning 9 this year and is one of several siblings that came to Bethesda quite a few years ago. His smile and cheery personality are always so fun to see. He is very friendly and always happy to carry on a conversation with anyone that he meets. If you have...

December Child of the Month – T.M.

T is going into Grade 11 next year and she can’t wait. She has been working so hard on her academics and has big goals for her future education. T. is an outstanding athlete and consistently does well in Athletics (Track & Field) as well as in Netball. She is...

November Child of the Month – J.M.

J is nearly 12 and looking forward to Grade 5 in January.  J is a good helper at home and helps keep the boys room clean. He enjoys playing soccer, reading, and playing the drums. He will also help outside by cutting the grass and doing some gardening. Overall, J is...

October Child of the Month – A.M.

A has been a part of the Msiza family for many, many years and he is slowly starting to take some of the leadership in the home. A is a “hands-on, hard-working” type of young man who enjoys working with his Dad doing work around the house (outside) and Bethesda; but,...