T is going into Grade 11 next year and she can’t wait. She has been working so hard on her academics and has big goals for her future education. T. is an outstanding athlete and consistently does well in Athletics (Track & Field) as well as in Netball. She is impressive to watch when she runs as it seems that she just floats over the ground. Next year, she’ll be taking Life Science, Business, Consumer Studies as well as other normal subjects.
In T’s home, she is a leader and often helps with the younger children as well as cooking and cleaning. Overall, she is very positive about her life and grateful for all that God has given her.
T loves people and enjoys spending time relaxing with her friends. She also enjoys posing for the camera whenever she can. When she talks about her church, she says that she always feels loved and welcomed. She is involved by being an usher.
If you ask T what she would like you to pray for, she says that she doesn’t want to get angry so quickly. She desires more patience and self control when things don’t go the way she wants, so that she responds in a way that pleases God. She also asks that you pray that God will continue to strengthen her in her studies and sports. She wants to continue to grow in her understanding and application of God’s Word. It’s not always easy to do the right things when people around you at school don’t want to obey God.
She truly appreciates her family at Bethesda and loves her parents because they have loved her from the first day she came until now. She thanks God for them.