Latest Updates from Bethesda

All The Latest News and Events at Bethesda.

Tom and Jan Jonker

I believe its entirely appropriate to say that Tom and Jan Jonker are never going to actually retire! Although they are “formally” retired, Tom and Jan never want to stop working or using their God-given gifts to benefit others. When they heard that JCA would have the...

June Child of the Month

God’s grace alone is what brought R to Bethesda many years ago as initially, only his younger sibling was being considered for care at Bethesda. An observant staff member saw him wander by and asked about what was going to happen to him. Through that simple question,...

CAFO Summit 2018 – What Matters Most

From May 8-11, five of us from Bethesda were able to attend this year’s Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) Summit in Frisco, TX at the Stonebriar Community Church. Michele Geurink, Don and Fran Stoffel, and my wife, Kate, and I joined over 2,000 orphan care worker...

JCA Newsletter May 2018

ALMOST HOLIDAYS... We have a month left before the end of term 2 and although we look forward to the long holidays, there is still a lot of hard work to be done. EXAM TIME! Term 2 exams for Grade 4-7 students will be from the 12th to the 20th of June. Please consult...

May Child of the Month – N. M.

N is in Grade 5 and thriving with his new houseparents. It isn’t always easy to call someone new, “Mom,” but he is adjusting very well. His dad has promised to take the boys to a big soccer match so they are really excited about that! N’s mom described him as “one of...

JCA May 2018 Calendar

The May 2018 JCA Calendar is ready for viewing or downloading. Please click the below link to view or download the May calendar. May 2018 JCA Calendar

JCA April Calendar

The April JCA Calendar is ready for downloading or viewing. Please click the link below to download the April calendar JCA School Calendar_April

Our Mission

Mobilising the local church and its members for the glory of God by: (1) Providing a gospel focused, family centred and church driven orphaned and vulnerable child care ministry and resource centre (2) Reaching out to the church to raise awareness, stimulate compassion and encourage obedience in the care of the fatherless

How can I help?

Do you have resources to share? Would you like to make a difference in the life of a child? Here are the ways YOU can be personally involved in providing care to orphaned children.

Click here to learn more.

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