Latest Updates from Bethesda

All The Latest News and Events at Bethesda.

We Found Hidden Treasure!

If you haven’t heard of Hidden Treasure, look them up on their website!  Hidden Treasure is an international ministry/charity shop whose purpose is to minister to those who shop there by providing low cost, gently used items, as well as to raise funds for a number of...

August 2018 Child of the Month – T. M.

T is a young man who enjoys a variety of activities such as singing, baking and helping with the chores (most of the time).  He is normally a joyful person ready with lots of jokes. He is good at art and enjoys friendly dogs. In general, he is not a fan of school or...

July 2018 Child of the Month – G. M.

G is a sweet young lady who is quickly growing into a beautiful woman—both inside and out. She is very comfortable in the kitchen and really likes to cook, just like her older brother. She is not afraid to try new recipes or cook when people come in for a visit. She...

JCA August Newsletter

A Busy Office! The school office is usually a very busy place with parents and children coming to enquire about school fees, civvies or needing help with any of a million different things. Sometimes, the grade R’s and grade 1’s even ask us to pull a loose tooth! This...

From 8 to 18

One of my first and most lasting memories of Bethesda was getting to celebrate RM’s 8th birthday with him and his family in August of 2008. It is hard for me to comprehend that this was a decade ago! Five years later my family and I moved to South Africa to serve with...

JCA July Newsletter

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will  receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.“ We trust that all our learners had a relaxing holiday and are looking forward to working...

JCA June Newsletter

It’s Holiday! School will close on the 22nd of June and will reopen on the  23rd of July. Enjoy the break and be sure to spend lots of quality time with family and friends. Exam are over! The Grade 4-7 learners finished their Term 2 exams. The teachers are busy...

What I Learned at CAFO 2018

Don Stoffel is a long-time friend and board member at Bethesda Outreach. He and his wife, Fran have come from New York State to Bethesda and given of their time and abilities to benefit Bethesda for several months each year. They have encouraged many in their local...

Our Mission

Mobilising the local church and its members for the glory of God by: (1) Providing a gospel focused, family centred and church driven orphaned and vulnerable child care ministry and resource centre (2) Reaching out to the church to raise awareness, stimulate compassion and encourage obedience in the care of the fatherless

How can I help?

Do you have resources to share? Would you like to make a difference in the life of a child? Here are the ways YOU can be personally involved in providing care to orphaned children.

Click here to learn more.

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