One of my first and most lasting memories of Bethesda was getting to celebrate RM’s 8th birthday with him and his family in August of 2008. It is hard for me to comprehend that this was a decade ago! Five years later my family and I moved to South Africa to serve with this ministry – to help families and children like RM to become disciples of Christ that would grow into adults who help others become disciples of Christ. This month, RM will turn 18. I’m quite sure there will be no celebratory cake on his face like there was ten years ago, but please join with me in celebrating what God has done and is doing in this young man’s life. Listen to him in his own words how he spent his month-long winter break. (Andrew Dodd)
My holiday was packed! A lot took place during this cold winter break. I had a chance to take part in a Holiday Bible Club (VBS) at Waterkloof Baptist Church for an entire week. Going into the week, I believed that it would be a great time to interact with other people who have the same beliefs as I do; and more importantly, to serve and glorify God in all that was done. I also hoped to influence other’s lives through the way that I live my life, by being an example to the young people at the Holiday Bible Club. I won’t lie and tell you that it wasn’t energy consuming, but at the same time it was a joy to serve at the church by planning activities for the day as well as making sure that the activities went well throughout the day. I was hosted by one of the families who attend the church. Being around them and experiencing them being generous enough to open their home for me was a huge blessing. By God’s grace, my leadership time at Waterkloof was amazing and well worth the time.
The following week was also very exciting for me because I had an opportunity to attend the “Journey” programme at Investec Bank in Sandton. I will not lie – this opportunity was one of a kind! It was great because I could learn more about the world of banking, and how a huge corporate company functioned. I had to take advantage of it because it is not too often God provides such opportunities. I learned that Investec has three pillars which are – Asset Management, Specialist Management, and Wealth & Investment, these three pillars allow Investec to perform on an International level. I learned how the three pillars work together to make the Bank an outstanding one. I got a chance to meet the CEO of Investec and speak to him and learn directly from him. I was motivated greatly because this is what I would love to start doing, in joining the corporate world as a career in the near future. This was an opportunity I could not afford to mess up! This is a winter break I could repeat over and over again.