G is a sweet young lady who is quickly growing into a beautiful woman—both inside and out. She is very comfortable in the kitchen and really likes to cook, just like her older brother. She is not afraid to try new recipes or cook when people come in for a visit. She enjoys school and is quite careful to do her work well. She especially enjoys art classes and being creative. To her mother’s delight, she also enjoys cleaning. She loves to joke around and make people laugh but she’s most comfortable in a small group of select friends rather than in a large group. She prefers to keep things peaceful and doesn’t stir things up if possible.
G is going to school in the community now, so making right choices when the people around her are not saved or share the same Christian values is more difficult. Pray that she will have the willpower to do right when it’s not popular. She would also like you to pray that she will praise God and please Him in her life.
G is pretty careful about how she likes things to be done and occasionally gets upset when others don’t do things the way she thinks they should be done. Overall, she remains calm and encouraging to others. Pray she will continue to develop her sweet, gentle and kind spirit.