IMG_6152God brought many different teams and visitors to Bethesda this year from Pennsylvania, Indiana, Michigan, Tennessee and Missouri, as well as a few places in between. We are so grateful for each of the individuals who sacrificed their time, money, and other activities to come and be with our families and staff. These groups of people came ready to work, share the gospel, andIMG_2051 learn. We hope that the time here was profitable and informative as to the many ways that God is working in our corner of the world to help the orphaned and vulnerable children.

Our desire is that teams and visitors come, become more informed, and go home motivated and challenged to become more active in their own communities with DSC01934regard to the needy children around them. Thank you for being a part of our lives this year and we are already looking forward to the teams and visitors that God will bring to us in the remainder of this year and into 2018.

Click here to read more about visiting Bethesda!



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