Many of you know that we built two additional classrooms in the last months of 2016 so we could start the 2017 school year with the addition of a media center as well as a music room. These two classrooms and the computer lab were our 2015 Christmas Project.

We have been able to get both the computer/media room and the music room up and running and Miss Gabby Sanfilippo is teaching the music classes as well as the computer courses which has been a great addition to our academics at JCA. We have put some sound proofing up on the walls in the music room to help with the acoustics and will continue to work to increase the number and type of instruments and other resources needed for an effective music program.


The media room has been made secure with an alarm system and other security precautions to ensure the computers stay both in the room and on the tables where they’ve been put. This is also where the library is located so it has become a wonderful resource for study, research, reading and basic computer knowledge.

Click here to read the entire Raise to Praise newsletter.