The year 2020 has arrived! A warm welcome to all returning and new families! We pray that all our new friends in class are settling in well and feel part of the Jabulane Christian Academy family already! Many thanks to those parents who took the time to come to the Parent Orientation meetings for new and returning parents. It was wonderful to see all of you and to get started together on the new year!
We are excited about the school growing – this year a second grade 3 classroom has been added. A special welcome to our new staff members – Miss Herman (Grade 3B) and Mrs Mazibuko (InterSen phase). The monthly calendars will inform you of new and exciting events this year!

Mrs Mazibuko

Miss Herman
Please continue to be in good communication with teachers about any classroom or classwork questions and the office regarding any financial or organisational questions we can assist with.
The staff at Jabulane Christian Academy is once again grateful for the opportunity given by our Heavenly Father and Parents to serve the learners both academically as well as spiritually by guiding them in the discovery of truth.
Kind Regards,
Anine Bonthuys
PE Uniform
The JCA PE uniform will be compulsory for all learners from the beginning of Term 2. This consists of shorts (R150) and a T-shirt (R100).
Foundation Phase (Gr R-3) may wear their PE uniform (not civvies!)
The whole InterSen Phase (Gr 4 – 7) must come in uniform and bring their PE uniform in a separate bag.
Optional PE items are also available : Cap (R80), PE Bag with learner’s name (R45) and a track suit for winter (R600).
These are all only available from the supplier, MOKAI Branding Solutions, and the contact person is Mr Moeketsi Deanne (email: and Tel. 061 435 9030).
We are again appealing to Parents to monitor the transport that their children use to come to school.
*Every driver needs a Public Driver’s Permit current for this year.
*Every vehicle needs a Fitness Certificate, also renewable each year.
*The Driver you have contracted to drive your child to school must be the Driver each day.
*Should a substitute driver be necessary the Parents should be informed and permission given.
*Overloading is a concern, please monitor through your children.
The speed limit on the Bethesda property is 30 km per hour.
We are making access disks for all the regular drivers which will be available next week and until then all these drivers will still need to sign in each day. Once they receive the disc they can put it up on the front window (windscreen) to gain quick and easy access to the school.
A reminder that learners not fetched by 15:30 Monday to Thursday or 14:30 on a Friday will be charged a late-fetching penalty (see Page 8 of the Parent & Student Handbook).
Extracurricular Activities & Events
Please check your child’s diary daily – this is an important communication tool between the Teacher and the Parent. During the next few weeks a number of letters will be sent home via the diary regarding the Mandatory Parent Teacher conferences, the extra curricular activities (netball, soccer and chess) and the Spur night. Please return all reply slips promptly.
Our newly built classrooms are now occupied by the Grade 4s and 5s and they are very happy with their new
Dates to remember
1 Feb: School fees due and Miss Thurtell’s birthday
7 Feb: Paid Civvies and Tuck Shop
21 Feb: Civvies and Tuck Shop
24 – 25 Feb: No school for learners – Parent Teacher Conferences and Teachers’ Prof. Development .
Save the Date! Spur Night – Thursday 19 March 17:00 -21:00
“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat – for He grants sleep to those He loves.”
Psalm 127: 1 –2