When you first meet G, you will notice her big smile first! She is a joyful, bright, and interesting young lady. G joined us several years ago and has made some big strides in her life. It is not an easy adjustment to move to a new home with a new family and WAY more siblings than you were used to before—those are big changes for anyone! God has been gracious and she is coming to know Him more and more as her family, church and school faithfully teach her. She is thankful that they have taught her “the pure word of God” (her words).
G likes to help around the house and keep it clean. She is also good at assisting her mom in the kitchen preparing some of the meals. She helps the younger children with their homework which also helps her remember and understand her academics better. Her mom said that she is a very good helper in the house.
In school, G enjoys mathematics and Natural Science although Social Science is a more difficult subject for her. She is a very social young lady who is easy to talk to and she is interested in everything which means she is full of questions—she really is a lot of fun to chat with!
Some of G’s strengths are that she says she is not short tempered and that she loves her siblings….mostly. She does wish that she could sing better and do her work at home and at school a little better. School is not always easy and this year with all the changes from working at school, and then working at home have made it even more challenging.
G would like you to pray for her that she will have a loving and caring heart for other people and that she would be thankful for what God has given her. She would also like to love and get along with one of her sister’s better.
When we asked her why she was thankful for Bethesda, she said that the people here are loving and caring and that it is a nice place. She recognizes now that God brought her here.