PM has been at Bethesda since she was a baby but is now one of the older girls in her family. She enjoys playing, watching TV and sports – especially running. She is easy going yet also very sociable. When she is in “social butterfly” mode, she is excited about life and loves interacting with her friends. She enjoys making jokes and loves laughing at them too!
This year, P is in Grade 8 and recently changed schools. She was having a difficult time adjusting to the new surroundings. Although she is doing much better, she could still use prayer in this area. At school, her favourite subject is maths (although she wishes that she was better at it). She also participates in various sporting activities when she has the opportunity. At church, she serves by singing and by helping taking care of the other children.
P is a sensitive and hardworking young lady. She is her mom’s trusty helper as she is quick to notice when her mom is overwhelmed and takes initiative to help where she can. As she is a bit older, she assists with the cooking and taking care of her younger siblings.
She would like to improve her Maths and Setswana marks and more importantly, learn how to choose better friends. She asks that you please pray for her to always do her best in school as well as to grow in patience.
P sometimes tends to give up a bit too easily when things seem hard but is grateful for her family’s help through difficult situations. Their support and the fact that she knows that she is loved unconditionally is a source of comfort to her. Her parents would ask that you pray for her to fear the Lord and to love him with all of her heart.
There is much room for growth in her young life and we cannot wait to see what God has in store for her! Thank you for your prayers.