B is turning 15 this year. Although going to church has been a lot more challenging this year due to Covid, we are thankful that she, along with her family, is able to be fully involved again. She enjoys participating in worship and other activities at her church. She is also doing well at school. When she is home, she enjoys helping out in the kitchen by cooking and baking.
Her mom describes her as being a serious person who does not enjoy being with a lot of different people, she prefers a few good friends. She prefers to be inside and is a peacemaker within her home. She is a courageous young lady who is not afraid to share her thoughts about Scripture during their family devotional times.
You can pray that B will learn to handle correction better and that she will make wise choices in her behavior. Pray that she will know that God her Father loves her, sent Jesus to be her Saviour, and that her parents only want what is best for her. Thank you for praying for B.