My journey with the Bethesda transition team started with one step – helping one teen, and finding one organization that runs a work-readiness program. It all started as just one.
If we each just took one step and did one thing, we could change the world. Last month, in Christian’s blog, he wrote about the various stages in the transition program at Bethesda, and its importance to the future of our children. I say our children as we say it’s our world.
They say it takes a village to raise an orphan and it does. I have been taking a long journey with R, one of the older Bethesda kids, from doing craft with him all those years ago, to helping him on his academic journey. We have plugged him in with a mentor named Chadley who is young and hip and loves God. He is a few years ahead of R in his studies and has been guiding and encouraging R by pushing him to be the best he can be and to please God in all he does. Chadley approached us to volunteer, even as he had limited time as a student himself. Small pockets of time have added such value to R’s world.
Helping is not always hands on; at times it’s researching companies who offer bursaries and sharing these with the Bethesda transition team. Other times, it’s finding companies who run work readiness programs and plugging our teens into these programs. Sometimes, it’s a simple phone call to check on how they are doing, how their marks are, did they pass their learners test. Sometimes it’s a walk around the property to check in.
None of these are earth shattering acts on their own, but each one can direct steps, show you care, or help them know they’re not alone. Many more “R’s” need our help. We have many young adults in this program. Imagine if you were an orphan or a vulnerable teen and you were facing your next steps without anyone to guide and support you, encourage you, or take you on the journey.
My challenge to you is to take one step – to help one teenager find their place in the world. Be Christ’s hands and feet, take one journey, support the transition program through prayer, finances, or helping them plug into opportunities you know about. You can contact Bethesda at if you would like to learn more about helping our young adults find their place in their world.