JCA September Newsletter

The Office is Changing As everyone will be aware, Miss Small and Miss Rumley are in America for the last term and are planning on returning for the 2019 school year. As Miss Meiring will be teaching grade 3, Miss Muhadi will be assisting in the office. We are grateful...

October Child of the Month – Z.A.

Z is the youngest of all the children in his home. He is 4 years old and has one more year before he starts school. He’s a sweet boy who is outgoing and makes friends very easily. He enjoys helping his mom in the house, and loves to play outside with all the...

September 2018 Child of the Month – B. M.

B has been growing and changing in so many positive ways! We are so thankful for the way God has been working to transform her life. Over the last year, B has made a profession of faith and the change in her actions and attitudes has been evident. B is involved in her...