JCA September Newsletter

The Office is Changing As everyone will be aware, Miss Small and Miss Rumley are in America for the last term and are planning on returning for the 2019 school year. As Miss Meiring will be teaching grade 3, Miss Muhadi will be assisting in the office. We are grateful...

JCA August Newsletter

A Busy Office! The school office is usually a very busy place with parents and children coming to enquire about school fees, civvies or needing help with any of a million different things. Sometimes, the grade R’s and grade 1’s even ask us to pull a loose tooth! This...

JCA July Newsletter

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will  receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.“ We trust that all our learners had a relaxing holiday and are looking forward to working...

JCA June Newsletter

It’s Holiday! School will close on the 22nd of June and will reopen on the  23rd of July. Enjoy the break and be sure to spend lots of quality time with family and friends. Exam are over! The Grade 4-7 learners finished their Term 2 exams. The teachers are busy...